I found a really nice write up about this flower at https://www.tcweed.org/blog/weed-of-the-month-yellow-toadflax where it was the weed of the month… who says weeds can’t be pretty?
Yellow Toadflax Origins:
Yellow toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) is native to south-central Eurasian region and was introduced to the Americas in the late 1600s for ornamental purposes. Beyond its decorative use, the plant held significance in folk medicine and served as a source for extracting yellow fabric dye.

More from the tcweed website:
Yellow Toadflax: Plant Description
Linaria vulgaris, commonly known as yellow toadflax or common toadflax, is a resilient perennial plant belonging to the family Plantaginaceae, which encompasses snapdragons and foxgloves. Its notable feature is its pale yellow hue, highlighted by a vibrant yellow-orange lower lip. Due to this coloration, it has acquired the colloquial name “butter-and-eggs.” The flowers of yellow toadflax bear a striking resemblance to those of garden snapdragons, earning it the additional nickname of wild snapdragon. However, unlike the subtle floral fragrance associated with snapdragons, the blossoms of yellow toadflax emit a slightly unpleasant odor.