Japanese White-eye (Zosterops japonicus) in Hilo Hawaii
According to the AI I consulted, Here’s how I identified it: While other white-eye species exist in Hawaii, the Japanese White-eye is the most widespread and abundant.
Saffron Finch (Sicalis flaveola) in Hilo Hawaii
I asked AI for a helping hand, it came up with Saffron Finch, Here’s why: While it’s possible it could be a similar species like a Yellow Warbler, the orange on the face and the location make the Saffron Finch the most likely identification.
Red-crested Cardinal (Paroaria coronata) – Honolulu, Hawaii
It’s easily identified by its striking red head, crest, and upper breast, contrasting with its gray body. They are native to South America but have been introduced to other areas like Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Interestingly, at the same time I got a fun shot of a pair of cardinals. Per AI: It’s interesting to…
Christmas Palm (Adonidia merrillii) in Honolulu, Hawaii
As often as I see palm trees, I rarely see them with the fruits showing, so this felt like a bit of a highlight for me.
A White Pigeon in Honolulu
According to AI: While it might look like a dove to some, doves and pigeons are actually very closely related and belong to the same bird family. The terms are often used interchangeably, especially when referring to all-white birds. White pigeons are commonly used for releases at weddings and funerals, which is likely why this…
The vibrant red flower in your photograph from Nawiliwili, Hawaii is likely the wiliwili (Erythrina sandwicensis)
That may be one of the most exciting things AI has ever told me… to think, I accidentally took a picture of the plant/flower Nawiliwili might get its name from! How cool is that! I saw these red flowers in the distance as I was about to leave Nawiliwili Park and head back to the…
Nawiliwili Lighthouse – 2024
Here’s what I got when I asked AI to help identify the lighthouse in my photo and tell me about it: The lighthouse in your photograph is the Nawiliwili Lighthouse, located in Nawiliwili Bay on the island of Kaua’i, Hawaii. Here are some key details about it:
Zebra Dove? If AI Identification is to be believed…
I saw several interesting, to me, birds in Nawiliwili, Hawaii, and tried to get some shots of them.
Water Hyacinth growing in shallow water in Nawiliwili, Hawaii
I was walking along a meandering path of my own making, and as I crossed a bridge I almost didn’t look down at the water to take in the sight… I was aware something was growing down there, but it just looked green — until I took a moment to look closer, and saw the…