Tag: Cruise

  • Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) in Suva, Fiji

    Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) in Suva, Fiji

    I asked AI for help identifying this bird, it came up with Re-vented Bulbul, Here’s what clinched it: I’m now confident in this identification. It’s great that you were able to get another shot! Red-vented Bulbuls are quite common throughout Fiji, so it’s not surprising to find one perched in an urban area of Suva.…

  • Great Frigatebird (Fregata minor) in Pago Pago, American Samoa

    Great Frigatebird (Fregata minor) in Pago Pago, American Samoa

    According to the magical AI I asked, this is the Great Frigatebird, and Here’s some information about it: Interesting facts:

  • Great Myna and Common Myna Birds seen in Hawaii

    Great Myna and Common Myna Birds seen in Hawaii

    I was going to do a post each, but there is something interesting about seeing both the Great and Common Myna birds “at the same time” even if it is in pictures take on different days, and getting a sense of how they are similar and different. Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis). With the help of…

  • Similar shots that create different effects in Aitutaki, Cook Islands

    Similar shots that create different effects in Aitutaki, Cook Islands
  • short-billed dowitcher in Hilo Hawaii

    short-billed dowitcher in Hilo Hawaii

    According to the wonderful AI that helps me identify the birds and animals in my photographs: These birds are commonly found in Hawaii during the winter months, as they migrate south from their breeding grounds in the Arctic. They are often seen wading in shallow water or mudflats, probing for food with their long bills.…

  • Bora Bora Sunset from the deck of a cruise ship

    Bora Bora Sunset from the deck of a cruise ship
  • Wandering Tattler in Hilo Hawaii

    Wandering Tattler in Hilo Hawaii

    I asked AI to help identify three photos of the same bird, and really loved it’s answer from the third shot: Here’s why this image is particularly helpful: The combination of these features in all your photos, along with the bird’s behavior and location, makes me confident that this is indeed a Wandering Tattler.

  • Sunrise as we sailed in to Moorea

    Sunrise as we sailed in to Moorea
  • Nene Geese, also known as Hawaiian Geese (Branta sandvicensis) in Hilo Hawaii at Liliuokalani Garden 

    Nene Geese, also known as Hawaiian Geese (Branta sandvicensis) in Hilo Hawaii at Liliuokalani Garden 

    According to the wonderful AI that helped me identify the animals in my photographs: They are endemic to the Hawaiian islands, meaning they are found nowhere else in the world. They are a type of goose with a distinctive black face and head, with buff cheeks and a striped neck. They are the rarest goose…

  • An unbelievable sunrise on the way to Huahine, French Polynesia

    An unbelievable sunrise on the way to Huahine, French Polynesia
  • Japanese White-eye (Zosterops japonicus) in Hilo Hawaii

    Japanese White-eye (Zosterops japonicus) in Hilo Hawaii

    According to the AI I consulted, Here’s how I identified it: While other white-eye species exist in Hawaii, the Japanese White-eye is the most widespread and abundant.

  • Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) in Hilo Hawaii

    Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) in Hilo Hawaii

    Admittedly this is not a great photo, but I just barely managed to capture this one shot, so I’m grateful for what I got of this bird while he was in a tree up above me. According to the infamous AI that helped me identify the bird: While they are not native to Hawaii, they…

  • Saffron Finch (Sicalis flaveola) in Hilo Hawaii

    Saffron Finch (Sicalis flaveola) in Hilo Hawaii

    I asked AI for a helping hand, it came up with Saffron Finch, Here’s why: While it’s possible it could be a similar species like a Yellow Warbler, the orange on the face and the location make the Saffron Finch the most likely identification.

  • Red-crested Cardinal (Paroaria coronata) – Honolulu, Hawaii

    Red-crested Cardinal (Paroaria coronata) – Honolulu, Hawaii

    It’s easily identified by its striking red head, crest, and upper breast, contrasting with its gray body. They are native to South America but have been introduced to other areas like Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Interestingly, at the same time I got a fun shot of a pair of cardinals. Per AI: It’s interesting to…

  • House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in Honolulu, Hawaii

    House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in Honolulu, Hawaii

    At first I was disappointed this little bird wasn’t perched on something more scenic when I snapped his picture — then I realized this street sign does a nice job of offering a sense of scale.

  • Cattle Egret – near the state Capitol in Honolulu

    Cattle Egret – near the state Capitol in Honolulu
  • The vibrant red flower in your photograph from Nawiliwili, Hawaii is likely the wiliwili (Erythrina sandwicensis)

    The vibrant red flower in your photograph from Nawiliwili, Hawaii is likely the wiliwili (Erythrina sandwicensis)

    That may be one of the most exciting things AI has ever told me… to think, I accidentally took a picture of the plant/flower Nawiliwili might get its name from! How cool is that! I saw these red flowers in the distance as I was about to leave Nawiliwili Park and head back to the…

  • Nawiliwili Lighthouse – 2024

    Nawiliwili Lighthouse – 2024

    Here’s what I got when I asked AI to help identify the lighthouse in my photo and tell me about it: The lighthouse in your photograph is the Nawiliwili Lighthouse, located in Nawiliwili Bay on the island of Kaua’i, Hawaii. Here are some key details about it:

  • Red Hibiscus… almost found the state flower growing by the side of the street…

    Red Hibiscus… almost found the state flower growing by the side of the street…

    Those playing along at home will know it is the YELLOW Hibiscus that is the state flower, making the Red Hibiscus a fun find, and photogenic flower, but not exactly the state flower of Hawaii. Even knowing I didn’t EXACTLY find the state flower, I am thinking about making an image of the hibiscus my…

  • Plumeria Flowers photographed in Nawiliwili, Hawaii

    Plumeria Flowers photographed in Nawiliwili, Hawaii

    This is a Plumeria flower, also known as Frangipani. It’s a very popular flower in tropical regions, especially in Hawaii where it’s often used in leis.   Here’s what makes me confident in this identification: There are many different varieties of Plumeria, each with slightly different colors and petal shapes, but the overall characteristics in…

  • Zebra Dove? If AI Identification is to be believed…

    Zebra Dove?  If AI Identification is to be believed…

    I saw several interesting, to me, birds in Nawiliwili, Hawaii, and tried to get some shots of them.

  • Water Hyacinth growing in shallow water in Nawiliwili, Hawaii

    Water Hyacinth growing in shallow water in Nawiliwili, Hawaii

    I was walking along a meandering path of my own making, and as I crossed a bridge I almost didn’t look down at the water to take in the sight… I was aware something was growing down there, but it just looked green — until I took a moment to look closer, and saw the…

  • Great Blue Heron

    Great Blue Heron

    These pictures are admittedly blurry and not the best, but given I was using 125x optical zoom from a moving ship, trying to take pictures of a moving bird on a distant shoreline, who was blending in with the surrounding rocks, I think I did fairly well picking out the Great Blue Heron, and snapping…

  • Another beautiful Rose

    Another beautiful Rose

    I wasn’t sure my camera was focusing on this little Rose buds, and newly bloomed flowers, but I kept trying to take photos as the colors were so dynamic, and the flowers so beautiful. I have no idea what type of rose they are, but they sure are pretty. Hmm, possibly a China Rose? Wikipedia…

  • Château Frontenac.

    Château Frontenac.

    With hopes I have correctly identified this building, with the help of technology (though to be honest I have my doubts). From the magic internet: It’s a world-renowned hotel in Quebec City, known for its iconic architecture and stunning location overlooking the St. Lawrence River. The green roof and the distinctive towers are characteristic of…

  • Sunset sailing out of Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

    Sunset sailing out of Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

    There is something magical about the sun setting over the water, some of it is the reflection of the light on the water, the way the light dances among the clouds… perhaps it is as simple as how each night the sunset is different, as unique as the individual day has been. There is also…

  • Spotted Sandpiper?

    Spotted Sandpiper?

    I showed two pictures to AI and found out: Based on the size, shape, and markings of the bird in the picture, it is most likely a Spotted Sandpiper. Here are some of the key features that helped me identify the bird as a Spotted Sandpiper: The bird in the second picture also exhibits the…

  • Mallard – what a Duck

    Mallard – what a Duck

    The Halifax Public Gardens not only has a lot of really pretty flowers, but some photogenic birds as well. Keep in mind, this are “wild ducks” and birds, and part of that means they migrate, move about where ever the whim takes them… and need to remain capable of caring for themselves, so when they…

  • Mealycup Sage

    Mealycup Sage

    This flower had incredibly dynamic and striking color that drew the eye whether it was under full sun or braving a heavy drizzle. I got help from Siri as well as Google in identifying this one as it looked like it could be one of several options, but I think the technology and I agreed…

  • Apparently I find a lot of weeds attractive…

    Apparently I find a lot of weeds attractive…

    This doesn’t actually surprise me, given as a kid I complained about pulling the flowers my Dad called weeds from our vegetable garden, but it is kind of funny how many flowers and plants I think are pretty I look up and find listed as weeds. And yes, this is another one. Per Wikipedia: Celosia…

  • Prairie Dawn Rose?

    Prairie Dawn Rose?

    Yet again I find myself wishing I knew more about flowers. When I photographed this one I figured I was getting another shot of a Beach Rose, but google and the magic World Wide Web lead me to believe this is a Prairie Dawn Rose. A rose by any other name is still beautiful, and…

  • Sunset over the Gulf of Maine

    Sunset over the Gulf of Maine

    This beautiful sunset was shot in the Gulf of Maine sailing between Bar Harbor and Boston.

  • Calendula, and a discovery, Mary’s Gold = Marigold

    Calendula, and a discovery, Mary’s Gold = Marigold

    Per Wikipedia: Calendula (/kəˈlɛndjuːlə/) is a genus of about 15–20 species  of annual and  perennial herbaceous plants in the daisy family, Asteraceae that are often known as marigolds. They are native to southwestern Asia, western Europe, Macaronesia, and the Mediterranean. Other plants known as marigolds include corn marigold, desert marigold, marsh marigold, and plants of the genus Tagetes. The genus name Calendula is a modern Latin diminutive of calendae, meaning…

  • Day Lily — Pretty in Pink

    Day Lily — Pretty in Pink

    This was the only flower of its type, hanging out amid a bunch of other blooms, eye catching for its color and uniqueness. Per Wikipedia: Daylilies have been found growing wild for millennia throughout China, Mongolia, northern India, Korea, and Japan.[10] There are thousand-year-old Chinese paintings showing orange daylilies that are remarkably similar to the flowers that grace…

  • Queen Anne’s Lace

    Queen Anne’s Lace

    Per Wikipedia: Daucus carota, whose common names include wild carrot, European wild carrot, bird’s nest, bishop’s lace, and Queen Anne’s lace (North America), is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae. It is native to temperate regions of the Old World and was naturalized in the New World. Other interesting bits on the Wikipedia page…

  • Juvenile Herring Gull

    Juvenile Herring Gull

    Sailing out of Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada we saw a LOT of seagulls… which I discovered were Herring Gulls… and interestingly we saw some of the Juvenile’s hanging out… fishing, doing what Juveniles do (i.e. seeming to be playing and generally having fun.) There was one shot when I captured a Juvenile and an adult…

  • Japanese Rose in Canada

    Japanese Rose in Canada

    Not a new to me flower, but it was beautiful, and rather enchanting the way the lone bloom was growing near a church. From Wikipedia: Rosa rugosa (rugosa rose, beach rose, Japanese rose, Ramanas rose, or letchberry) is a species of rose native to eastern Asia, in northeastern China, Japan, Korea and southeastern Siberia, where it grows on beach coasts, often on sand dunes. It should not be confused with Rosa multiflora,…

  • Zuiderdam in Sydney… Canada

    Zuiderdam in Sydney… Canada

    It’s always fun getting a shot of the ship I’m on, added bonus when a local landmark is in the shot.

  • Yellow Coneflower

    Yellow Coneflower

    Echinacea paradoxa, the yellow coneflower, Bush’s purple coneflower, or Ozark coneflower, is a North American species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to southern Missouri, Arkansas, and south-central Oklahoma, It is listed as threatened in Arkansas. When the petals are down towards the ground like this I find it easy to understand how they got the name coneflower, this is one of the I…

  • Echinacea Double Scoop Raspberry

    Echinacea Double Scoop Raspberry

    Another coneflower variation. I love the colors in this flower! Per Wikipedia: Echinacea /ˌɛkɪˈneɪsiə, ˌɛkɪˈneɪʃiə/ is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the daisy family. It has ten species, which are commonly called coneflowers. They are native only in eastern and central North America, where they grow in wet to dry prairies and open…

  • Up, in the sky… it’s more than just a contrail…

    Up, in the sky… it’s more than just a contrail…

    I spend a lot of my travel time looking down at plants, but I also try and remember to look up, in to the distance and at the sky. Usually when I look at the sky I’m hoping for interesting birds, but this was a fun sight! The brilliant blue sky, with no clouds in…

  • Purple Coneflower

    Purple Coneflower

    From Wikipedia: Echinacea purpurea, the eastern purple coneflower, purple coneflower, hedgehog coneflower, or echinacea, is a North American species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to parts of eastern North America and present to some extent in the wild in much of the eastern, southeastern and midwestern United States as well…

  • Sunrise as we sailed to Quebec

    Sunrise as we sailed to Quebec

    I may not be a morning person, but I can set an alarm to get up and catch a glimpse of sunrise before I finish my night’s rest, and it is often well worth the effort!

  • Pansy


    This beautiful little blossom was tucked away among a huge array of flowers, easy to overlook or miss, just peeking out between the leaves to catch my eye. Per Wikipedia: The garden pansy (Viola × wittrockiana) is a type of polychromatic large-flowered hybrid plant cultivated as a garden flower. It is derived by hybridization from several species in the section Melanium (“the pansies”) of the genus Viola, particularly V.…

  • Canadian Goldenrod

    Canadian Goldenrod

    Google Lens identified this plant for me, and Wikipedia tells me: Solidago canadensis, known as Canada goldenrod or Canadian goldenrod, is an herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae. It is native to northeastern and north-central North America and often forms colonies of upright growing plants, with many small yellow flowers in a branching inflorescence held above the foliage. It is an invasive plant in other…

  • Yellow Toadflax

    Yellow Toadflax

    I found a really nice write up about this flower at https://www.tcweed.org/blog/weed-of-the-month-yellow-toadflax where it was the weed of the month… who says weeds can’t be pretty? Yellow Toadflax Origins:Yellow toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) is native to south-central Eurasian region and was introduced to the Americas in the late 1600s for ornamental purposes. Beyond its decorative use,…

  • Indian Shot

    Indian Shot

    I saw this pretty flower in a planter with other, more familiar flowers, in Sydney, Canada and snapped a few shots of it so I could learn more later Per Wikipedia: Canna indica, commonly known as Indian shot, African arrowroot, edible canna, purple arrowroot, Sierra Leone arrowroot, is a plant species in the family Cannaceae. It is native to much…

  • Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

    Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

    I was checking out the view from our cabin on the ship when I realized that across the way a bunch of birds were having a party on shore… according to the ever knowledgeable google, there is a Great Blue Heron hanging out among them — I will admit it was that tall, majestic bird…

  • Windflower, aka Japanese Anemone

    Windflower, aka Japanese Anemone

    At this point I feel like nearly half the pictures I take these days are of flowers, with hopes google, or some other AI will help me identify it. While I like the ease of identification google lens offers, Claude AI gives some very informative answers, in this case I asked it simply if it…

  • Spiraea japonica

    Spiraea japonica

    I ran across this pretty flower, that grows in clusters, in two different colors on our walk in Reykjavik. This lighter color seems to be known as ‘Little Princess’. Per Wikipedia: Spiraea japonica, the Japanese meadowsweet or Japanese spiraea, is a plant in the family Rosaceae.

  • Beach Rose?

    Beach Rose?

    I saw this pretty flower growing in a park in Reykjavik, Iceland. The buds are just as pretty before opening up into a beautiful bloom.

  • Dandelion


    As I travel I’ve found myself snapping pictures of almost every flower I see and appreciate, for a variety of reasons… not the least of which is because technology can help me identify it later. This little yellow flower turning out to be a dandelion amuses me because I saw the white balls of fluff…

  • erysimum cheiranthus

    erysimum cheiranthus

    I’m spending a lot of time right now getting help from the magic of the Internet to put names to the various plants and flowers I saw / photographed at the Bible Garden in Cobh. The scientific name is a mouthful, but the common name has me wondering if this flower is the floral equivalent…

  • Geranium, possibly the  purple cranesbill

    Geranium, possibly the  purple cranesbill

    I ran across these flowers growing in a park not far from the cruise terminal and train station in Cobh, Ireland. When I first asked the internet what they might be, it came back with Geraniums, but interestingly, adding the information they grew in Ireland, in a seemingly wild profusion, the AI then added they…

  • Sunset over Greenland

    Sunset over Greenland

    I’ve sailed to / around Greenland several times, but this was my first time to be at anchor at Sunset and get to see it descend behind one of the towns – Nanortalik. Trying to capture the color in the sky, and the vibrance of Nanortalik was a challenge… but I sure enjoyed trying.

  • Sometimes the Sun Sets…

    Sometimes the Sun Sets…

    Other times it goes behind the clouds and drops out of sight for the night. The result is some unusual, and often fun, photos.

  • Nanortalik, Greenland – a view from the harbor…

    Nanortalik, Greenland – a view from the harbor…

    I love so many aspects of this photograph. From the moody sky, to the lone person standing on a small craft in the water. For me, the only thing that would have made the shot better is if it was of the ship I was sailing on, as opposed to being taken from my ship,…

  • Flowers, the world over…

    Flowers, the world over…

    My Grandmother was an avid gardener. From my perspective, she could name/ recognize every flower she saw. It was a passion of hers, she grew them, and appreciated them. When my Grandparents gifted me several boxes filled with decades of family photos, I found within dozens of pictures of random flowers. In my heart, I…

  • Beware of auto-generated wordpress pages!

    Beware of auto-generated wordpress pages!

    Just a reminder as I begin setting up this site for my photography. There are pages and posts autogenerated as part of creating a WordPress Site. They are intended to give content creators ideas of how to build their site. Not to accurately reflect the content. If you see something that makes no sense, or…

  • A glacier in Prince Christian Sound

    A glacier in Prince Christian Sound

    It feels like each time I sail Prince Christian Sound I see something different, and am amazed by the beauty and magic of this special place all over again — part of that comes from the many moods of the clouds, the colors of the water, and the peaceful / tranquil setting that seems to…