Sunset – love a bird’s eye view up among the clouds…

Sometimes I think we take parts of our modern lives for granted.  It is easy to forget my Grandparents grew up in an age of horses pulling wagons, that air travel was new in their professional lives.

My parents recall the day Man first walked on the moon… while I recall our house getting our first VCR.  The miracle of being able to record a show instead of watching it when it aired, or praying it was rerun months later.

In three hours an airplane can cover the distance of a three day road trip (by car, do we even want to do the math for how long that took a wagon train?)  And each kind of travel is wonderful in its own way.  When I have the time, I love a good road trip.  The planned stops and the unplanned discoveries along the way.

When we fly I love the perspective a plane offers.  Whether the world is hidden beneath the clouds, peeking out between them, or I can spot landmarks I recognize.  (I even enjoy seeing the difference between farmland and cities, mountains and lakes.)

Sunset, and sunrise for that matter, can have a special look from a plane. 

Do you ever take photos from a plane?

Do you make a point of getting the plane in the photo?

Or do you avoid getting even a trace of the aircraft in your shot?

Are there certain cities you know you want to sit on a specific side of the plane flying in to or out of for the view?

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